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Kiahk Praises - psali Wednesday  _all the heavenly ordيعيش
  • Kiahk Praises - 26 56 5th of Egyptian
  • fr. daoud contemplations - Ta2amoll.YaRab3arrafny
  • PopeShenouda Q&A - Passion.Elsayyed Elmasi7 Soleba 3areyan
  • Saints Tamageed - Kiahk12.Tamgeed.AnbaHedraOfAswan
  • copt4g akbat el3alam radio - Seneksar&Defnar intro
  • Kiahk Praises - arabic wednesday theotokia
  • Kiahk Praises - arabic thursday theotokia
  • Copt4G - radio station intro
  • Anba Rowis Agpeya - AnbaRowis.Er7amna Ya Allah